14 Ways To Clean A Room That Makes You Happy

7 min readJul 27, 2022


14 Ways to Clean a Room that Makes you Happy

Believe it or not, it is possible to stay pure and become a happy, balanced person. How do you do it? Here are 14 cleaning habits that happy people swear by to refresh their homes and give them a brighter look.

Table of Contents

Why does Cleanliness make People Happy?

Scientific and anecdotal evidence equally supports that cleaning makes people happier.

Endorphins: a natural high

Exercise is good for you because it releases endorphins that lift your mood and make you feel happier. Cleaning can have the same natural effect: spending an hour cleaning your house burns calories and gives you a good feeling.

The Psychology of Cleaning

According to science, cleaning your home is good for your mental and physical health.

In a 2010 study, researchers from the University of California used a computer program to analyze how 30 cohabiting couples talked about their homes.

They found that those who described their home as “chaotic” or complained about “unfinished work” were more likely to suffer from depression and fatigue.

Then those who described their home as “peaceful” or “relaxing”. Those living in uncomfortable environments were also found to have higher levels of cortisol.

A hormone is normally released into the bloodstream by the adrenal glands in response to stress.

In a 2011 study, researchers at Princeton University found that cluttered rooms make it harder to focus on a task because the visual cortex is overloaded by objects unrelated to the task.

A 2014 study published in the journal Positive Thinking reported a 27% reduction in tension and a 25% increase in ‘mental inspiration’ in participants who washed dishes with ‘positive thinking.

Washing dishes with positive thinking means washing dishes mindfully, inhaling the smell of detergent and enjoying the feeling of hot water on your hands.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about the cleaning process, as different cleaning methods produce different results. Energetic cleaning can be better for physical health, while meditative cleaning can be better for mental health.

1. Cleaning doesn’t have to be an unpleasant chore

In fact, scrubbing the floors is one ……. It’s like waxing the floor. But at other times it is an act of self-care. Happy people know that a clean and tidy home does more than just make a good impression on guests.

It’s about feeling at peace with your surroundings and finding a balance between taking care of your home and taking care of yourself.

2. Regular cleaning is the secret to a healthy home

With so much to do, it can be hard to think about cleaning. But if you plan ahead and develop a routine, you won’t have to worry.

By organizing every week, you can tackle a task that seems daunting in a simpler way. Also, when you develop a routine, you will develop a rhythm and be able to complete each task more quickly.

Regular cleaning also reduces the amount of work you have to do each time. The less chaos there is, the faster the task will progress. Instead of spending hours cleaning the bathroom, you can do some tidying up.

3. Put away your clothes every day

Clothes tend to accumulate around the house. That top you decided not to wear to lunch on Tuesday; that workout outfit you’ve only worn for an hour and can’t decide if it’s clean or dirty.

That cozy dressing gown that has no real place because you (almost) always wear it. Happy people reduce the clutter in their homes by putting away their clothes every day.

Every garment needs its own place — in the wardrobe, on the dresser, in a basket, on the hook behind the bathroom door, etc.

4. Get rid of clutter

Another study published in PsychologyToday found that women who describe their homes as cluttered are more likely to feel depressed and tired.

Women who described their homes as quiet were happier. Another reason to spend time de-cluttering is to remove unnecessary items from your life.

5. Remember the little things

Things like sweeping the living room or wiping down the counters may seem like obvious things that should be on your to-do list. However, remember to focus on the little things.

One way to keep your home healthy is to regularly clean the things we touch most often, like door handles. These little things are just as important as the big things, but can sometimes be overlooked.

6. Removing shoes at the front door

There are several reasons why putting shoes in a permanent place near the front door is effective.

First, it keeps dirt, germs, and allergens out of your sleeping space;

second, you can put your shoes away quickly without having to think about it (and they’re easier to find when you leave!).

The first is that they are easy to find when you leave the house. Finally, when you take your shoes off at the door, you can say, “Oh, I’m home! I feel like I’m home, I feel it.”

The result? Less cleaning, less clutter, and more joy.

7. Fragrant homes increase well-being

The link between scent and mental health has long been proven and aromatherapy has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The smell is directly linked to the limbic system (the emotional center of the brain), so scents associated with past experiences can trigger memories.

But that’s not all, some scents also have positive effects on the body and mind. For example, the calming effect of lavender makes it easier to fall asleep, making it an ideal scent for the bedroom.

A musty room is nothing to worry about when it comes to mental health, but many cleaning products have citrus scents that can help lift the spirit.

Here are some other scents you can try at home.

  1. Pine — shinrin-yoku is a forest bathing method that originated in Japan. One study suggests it can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Pine scents are often used in bath cleaners and disinfectant sprays.
  2. Rosemary and peppermint are said to stimulate brain function. Therefore, they are best used in areas that require concentration, such as home offices.
  3. Pumpkin — Researchers found that 40% of men reacted ‘positively’ to the scent of pumpkin combined with lavender. Best for the bedroom?

8. Buy and use the right products

Not everyone has the same cleaning products. If you deep clean every room in your home, you will need different products for different purposes.

If you have real hardwood floors, make sure the cleaning products you use won’t damage them. Microfiber cloths pick up dust and dirt more easily than paper towels and can be reused.

Oven cleaners are a good product to keep on hand. There are also oven cleaning methods you can try at home. If you have stainless steel appliances, you will need a cleaner specifically designed for stainless steel.

It’s not just about cleaning products. Buying the right vacuum cleaner will help keep your home dust-free. The best vacuum cleaners are easy to use and collect as much dust as possible.

If you have pets and suffer from hair loss, choosing the right product is especially important.

9. Cleaning the refrigerator

The refrigerator is one of the most neglected places to clean. But happy people know that where food is stored should be as clean as where it is cooked. As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to give your fridge a thorough cleaning once a month. You will be surprised how fresh your fridge will look.

10. Don’t be afraid to clean

Over time, our stuff accumulates and our homes become cluttered. Trinkets can be comforting, but they can also add to the cleaning effort.

By regularly donating or reselling unused or unwanted items, we can eliminate dusty areas. You can spend less time cleaning and vacuuming and start on the road to a healthier home.

11. Clean the kitchen every evening

Sure, it’s tempting to throw the dishes in the sink after dinner and say “I’ll wash them tomorrow”. But happy people know better.

Every evening they sweep the kitchen, wipe the countertops, vacuum the floors and make sure all the dishes are washed. Why do they do this? Because it keeps everything organized and starts the day well.

Changing your cleaning routine in this way will give you a fresh start to the day and increase your motivation.

12. Involve the whole family

We wouldn’t have our children polish the stairs or sweep the chimney, but involving them in cleaning is not a bad idea.

If you set a good example for the future and make it a game, cleaning becomes fun. Teach your teenager how to clean from an early age and avoid tantrums over a messy room.

It’s good if everyone in the family does their part, not just the children. As mentioned above, this arrangement is good for mental health and the quality of relationships.

The most important thing to remember when starting to clean is not to get angry at the garbage that others leave behind.

13. But there is more to a cleaning day than that

Of course, it is important to set aside a day for the most important cleaning (don’t forget to sweep the floors), but don’t let the day become stressful and disgusting.

One of the secrets of happy people is that cleaning is a daily ritual, not a weekly one.

Whether you take 30 minutes to clean the kitchen after dinner or two minutes to put away the hair dryer and humidifier.

These tasks are not just chores, they are opportunities to take care of yourself, and keeping your home clean will reduce stress and make your days more relaxing.

14. Take control

Many of us lead busy lives and are unable to control every aspect of our daily lives. Cleaning and tidying is one area where you are in complete control.

You can play loud music while cleaning or work calmly in complete silence; you can vacuum in 15 minutes, pick up discarded clothes or spend the whole day cleaning and organizing.

The choice is yours. This is your home and this is where you should be happy and at peace. Taking care and control of your home is one way to feel happy.




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