How To Be More Confident And How To Build Selfconfidence — Top 16 Ways

5 min readJul 29, 2022


What is self-confidence and How to be more confident?

If you don’t feel good about yourself, even if you lack confidence in your intellectual abilities, the world will find it difficult to raise your price. The best way to gain self-confidence is to increase your life experience.

So if you want to become smarter and more confident, increase your knowledge, skills, experience and understanding.

Self-confidence and intelligence is something you have to work on, and perhaps the reason why so few people take it on is thatz they think it is so difficult.

But with perseverance and determination you can still do your best. If you want more spirit, wisdom and confidence, here are ten ways to get it.

  1. Use your strengths to lead

Whether you are starting a new job or dealing with a difficult client, your confidence can be tested at work.

To build on your strengths, you need to plan your day so that you can focus on what you are good at. Remembering past successes can also help you stay motivated and confident.

  1. Body posture during performance (sitting or standing)

Yes. The secret is to keep your posture upright, your shoulders back, your feet on the ground and your body relaxed and open.

Harvard psychologist Amy Cady and her colleagues have studied the positive impact of confident posture on hormones: strength. If your body adopts this attitude, your mind will follow suit.

  1. Doing things that scare you.

“Whether you’re changing jobs, taking on a big challenge, starting a new relationship or starting a new project, believe that you can take a step forward.” — Yale advises. Try it.

And after you take that step, believe in yourself and take the next one. You can’t predict what will happen, so trust that you can stick to the process and not the outcome.

” This is great for people who hold back or fear change when everything seems to hinge on one decision. Instead of rushing things, try making one or two changes for a week and see what happens.

These small experiments can lead to a complete transformation.

  1. Read a book

Reading books is a great way to learn everything you want to know in life. If you are someone who doesn’t like to read, practice now. Become a better reader and be exposed to more ideas and information.

Books will transport you to another dimension, expand your imagination and definitely accelerate your ability to learn.

  1. Talk to different people at work

Start a conversation when you meet your coworkers. You will find that many of them are friendly and not afraid of you. The more you try to interact with people, the easier it will be to talk to them.

  1. Exercise, move

If you feel stuck or stagnant, try exercising. Regular physical activity and exercise release endorphins that bring a pleasant mood and well-being. You will feel motivated to get moving, which will boost your self-confidence and improve you.

  1. Admit that sometimes you are wrong

If you feel the need to prove you’re right, you have to stop,” says Errey.” It will send your self-esteem in the wrong direction and make you want to do the right thing instead of being happy and content.

  1. Make friends with smart people

This may seem difficult, especially if you have low self-esteem, but meeting smart people is one of the fastest ways to learn. Being around smart people can help you learn from them and give you tips on how to stay smart.

Don’t feel uncomfortable around such people and enjoy having such great resources at your disposal.

  1. Be more spontaneous at work

If you are attending events with colleagues outside of work, attend as soon as you are invited instead of thinking about going. This will reduce the mental burden of planning and assumptions.

It will make you think more naturally and make it easier to deal with any situation.

Saying and writing things down

  1. Practice positive self-talk

Talking to yourself is more important than you think. How you perceive yourself is important. Both of these can boost your self-esteem and confidence. You can always reinvent yourself.

Speak with compassion, love and kindness. You can repeat this until you see what you want. Is there a desire or achievement you want? Say it out loud. There is energy and power in this process.

Writing yourself and your desires down is a very powerful exercise that helps to reprogram the subconscious mind: write down what you want as if it has already happened.

  1. Don’t pretend until you understand

“People follow the stereotypical advice to ‘fake it till you make it’ and behave as confident people should behave, which often leads to arrogance and arrogance.

” Ehr says.” “True, natural self-confidence is choosing to be confident in your behavior because you are good enough, rather than behaving a certain way because you think you are not good enough.

” Trust yourself. You already have what you need.

  1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Learn to build on your strengths and work to overcome your weaknesses. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you take control of yourself and your situation.

If you think you are not good at something, think about how you can get better at it. By focusing on your weaknesses rather than your strengths, you can improve your future performance.

  1. Focus on your body language

Adopt good posture, smile, make eye contact and take time to talk. These simple steps will help you feel and look more confident.

  1. Traveling alone

Traveling alone is a great way to gain self-confidence. Being involved in planning and organizing a trip can have side effects, especially if you are doing it for the first time.

  1. Say good things about yourself

The better you can handle conversations and discussions, the smarter you will be. If you remain silent, you will not be able to achieve your goal. One way to build self-confidence is to speak up.

Practicing to defend yourself will give you some confidence. Remember the relief you felt when you expressed yourself in public? But learn to express yourself without waiting for a specific response.

Whether it is a positive or negative comment, it is important to be able to say what you really want and feel.

  1. Know what real confidence is

You will hear women say that they like confident people, not arrogant people. The problem is that men often confuse the two.”

Arrogance and assertiveness are two different things. Arrogance is loud and requires others; assertiveness is quiet and requires only assertiveness.” Eley says.

If you understand the difference, you won’t have to worry about being too assertive.




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